السبت، 16 يناير 2010

I want to be a SURGEON

Amm .. I s this really what I want to be .. A SURGEON .. I thought about it so many times and I found my self each time close to it ...
I don't what is the feeling thats comes to me when I am in the OR" operating room" but I'm sure it's a cool feeling .. feeling that I can smile ... be strong ... hold my temper and most imp be my self ...
Amm again .. is this what I am thinking about or it's a way to forget ... to escape or not to think about the past ..
I may lie to my self if I say NO ...
Here I just want to thank someone ... He is a real DOCTOR b4 being a real SURGEON ... someone that I am proud to chose him as my mentor ... Thanks doctor for being there for ur patients .. and belive me that u will find the light at the end of the tunnel but just give time time :) ...

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. أحيانا لا نختار مانريد فقط بقلوبنا !!
    بل يتحتم علينا اقحام عقولنا في هذه القرارات ايضا!
    خاصة في القرارات المصيرية !!
    الجراحة تخصص ممتع لكنه مهلك!
    من يريد الحصول على متعة في سبيل الاستغناء عن جميع متع الحياة الاخرى!؟
    لو كنت ناصحاً لنصحتك بعدم خوض هذا المجال

  2. I don't know if you are already in medical school or not
    but GO AHEAD
    if thats what you want
